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Latest News in Engineering & Manufacturing Recruiting

Resign and Then Walk Away

Categories: Markent|Tags: , |

When the time comes to resign from your current employer, it’s important to be prepared for their likely reactions. Here are some tips to help you move through this process smoothly.

Start With Cleaning Up Your Computer

Even if you plan to give a two-week notice, some employers may ask you to leave immediately. To avoid any issues, make [READ MORE]

Tackling Professional ADD: How to Regain Focus in a Distracted World

Categories: Uncategorized|

In the manufacturing economy, time was the most valuable currency. Systems were built around maximizing efficiency, and effectiveness was largely measured by how much time you could dedicate to a task. Think of the classic assembly line—processes were linear, and the goal was to keep everything moving with minimal interruption.


Fast forward to today’s information-driven world, and the [READ MORE]

What Will AI Change in Manufacturing?

Categories: Market Trends|Tags: , |

No matter who you are or what you do, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is at your fingertips. Engineers, HR professionals, purchasing and materials staff, Sales teams, and Management alike all have access to this transformative technology. But how do we harness its power effectively? Will it eliminate jobs? Is it safe to integrate into our processes? These are [READ MORE]

Changing Our Location, But Not Our Commitment to Excellence in Recruiting!

Categories: Markent|Tags: , , |

Markent Personnel, Inc. was founded in 1979 by Tom Udulutch, who named the firm after his two sons, Mark and Kent. Since 2018, Mark has taken the helm as President and Owner, continuing a legacy of dedicated recruitment.  Markent’s focus is to serve Wisconsin and Upper Midwest Manufacturers with finding the best manufacturing management and engineering professionals [READ MORE]

Conquering a STAR Interview

Categories: Uncategorized|

When preparing for an important interview, mastering the STAR method can significantly boost your performance. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. It is a technique that helps you structure your answers to behavioral interview questions, making your responses clear and impactful.

Understanding the STAR Method

The STAR method provides a framework for delivering compelling answers to questions [READ MORE]

Making Our Words Matter

Categories: Uncategorized|

Most people speak their first fully formed words between the ages of 10-14 months. As parents, it’s a big deal! Your child can now engage in interactive communication. For the rest of their lives, words will be the foundation of nearly everything they do. Psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson says, “If you can think, speak, and [READ MORE]

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